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- Fitness
PHYSICAL activity is a crucial part of a child’s development, and engaging in sports from an early age offers numerous benefits.

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- Nutrition
PROPER nutrition is the cornerstone of a child’s physical and mental development. From boosting energy levels to supporting brain growth, what children eat profoundly impacts their health today and their potential for tomorrow.

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- Behaviour
CHILDREN are like sponges, absorbing the world around them from a very young age. One of the most fascinating aspects of early development is how children begin to model the behavior of older people, especially parents, caregivers, siblings, and peers.

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- Behaviour
EVERY stage of a child’s life is filled with opportunities for growth and development. From the moment they are born, children embark on a lifelong journey of learning, exploring the world, acquiring new skills, and developing their physical, emotional, and cognitive abilities.

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- Government
THE NSW Government has opened the first of five new properties in Western Sydney ensuring more vulnerable children are moved from unsuitable emergency accommodation and into more stable homes.

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- Health
NSW will this month reach a significant milestone, screening more than two million newborns across the state for hearing loss since the Australian first Statewide Infant Screening Hearing Program began in December 2002.