At Angels Childcare our goal is to create a place that is loving, nurturing and fun that engages each child’s learning through the importance of play. Angel’s childcare believe in an environment that is secure, caring, loving, nurturing, anti-bias, equitable and inclusive, striving to create a home like environment that is welcoming and warm to all. Our team of educators are dedicated and nurturing professionals who all have a great passion for education in the formative years. We understand that early childhood services need to provide a delicate balance of education and care. Our educators take the time to build strong partnerships with our families, and secure attachments with the children in our care. They are here to help and assist you as you settle in to the early childhood journey.
Angels is a nurturing, fun place that engages children
Angels Childcare is welcoming place for all
FAQs Angels Childcare
We provide a rich, stimulating and diverse program that reflects both group and individual needs based on each child’s culture, developmental skills and interests. Our program is based on the ‘Early years learning framework’ promoting; Children’s sense of identity Connections and contribution to their world A strong sense of wellbeing Developing confident and involved learners Developing effective communicators Our program not only covers the areas of language, cognitive, social/emotional, fine motor and gross motor development, but also provides for the holistic child including cultural awareness and incorporating each child and the local communities culture and practices . Children’s self-help skills and independence will be encouraged by providing opportunities that allow them to make important decisions about their lives.
Angels Childcare program is inclusive of children with special needs and CALD backgrounds; we aim for full inclusion of all children. Programs and plans will reflect the individual child’s needs, and where appropriate, resource workers and services will be utilized to provide extra support to the children, educators and families. We are committed to full participation of children with additional needs and CALD backgrounds in our service.
Our educators will encourage and assist with meal times, dressing, sleeping, toileting and nappy changing. Children are provided with a balance of active and quiet activities, and a rest time is provided each day. A balance of indoor and outdoor experiences will be provid